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Week of October 15-19

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Week of October 15-19

Road Runners Logo

Ridgemount Families,

A reminder to review the follwoing basic bus rules with your children to support this:

Bus Rules

In order to ensure the safety of everyone at Ridgemount please adhere to the traffic / parking signs posted around the school premises. By Law officers have been patrolling the area and are ticketing those parked illegally. Thank you.

Please follow Ridgemount on Twitter to view our work and other Ridgemount highlights at: @Ridgmeount_HWDSB.

In order to ensure the safety of everyone at Ridgemount please adhere to the traffic / parking signs posted around the school premises. By Law officers have been patrolling the area and giving tickets to those stopped or parked illegally. Thank you.

Be sure to register to our school website at www.hwdsb.on.ca/ridgemount (under the school photo in the bottom right corner is the link to “Register”) to keep updated on upcoming school events and news!! Be sure to tell our new Ridgemount families to register to our website as well!

A reminder that if you need to stop by the school you will need to enter at the front entrance on Hester St. As we are a secure facility you will need to push the doorbell button and wait for an office staff to identify you and then open the door.  If you are dropping off lunches for your child you can place it on the lunch cart outside the office labelled “Student Lunches”. Be sure to prearrange this with your child so that they know to come to the office at the Nutrition Break to pick up their lunch as we are unable to keep lunches in the office area.

Important Notice :


Pizza Day will begin on Wednesday, October 17th and is available every Wednesday at  the second nutrition break for $1.25 a slice (cheese only). Please send money in with your child and have them give to their teacher if they want to order pizza. There are no order forms for Pizza Days. A list of those that have brought in money and placed orders will be sent to the office where parent/guardian volunteers will collect and then distribute the pizza at the beginning of the second nutrition break (12:45pm).

For the Week at A Glance at Ridgemount click on the link below:

Week at a Glance – Oct 15-19

Have a great week everyone!

Mr. Carey – Principal

Mrs. Panju – Vice Principal

Updated on Sunday, October 14, 2018.
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