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Week Of April 3 – April 6, 2018

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Week Of April 3 – April 6, 2018

Ridgemount Roadrunners

April Showers

I hope that everyone enjoyed the long weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone back at Ridgemount on Tuesday, April 3 in the morning!! Remember the bell goes at 8:45am and students are expected to show responsibility by being in class and ready to begin the day at this time.

We would like to share that Mr. Johnston will be teaching the Grade 2 class (Ms. Demois) in the afternoons. We look forward to having him join the Ridgemount team with Ms. Demois as she will continue to teach this class in the mornings.

Our staff and students participated in a very successful assembly the week before the long weekend! Our students have been working on being a good audience (entering/departing appropriately, listening, watching, participating and remaining focused during the assembly. We are so proud of our Ridgemount Roadrunners for the superb efforts and improvements. Keep up the good work everyone!  We shared our “Ridgemount Road to Success” steps that were  co-created by students, staff and assembly committee. These”Ridgemount Road to Success” steps coupled with our work on monthly Learning Skills & Work Habits will be our school wide focus to improve the climate of our school. We are already seeing great improvements and efforts!!

The following steps will be our “Ridgemount Road to Success” steps focus towards improving our school:

  1. Always keep your hands and feet to yourself
  2. Be where you’re supposed to be
  3. Treat others how you want to be treated
  4. Calm and quiet movement in the hall
  5. Listen to and follow instruction from all adults in the school


Parents and guardians, please have a conversation with your child or children about these steps to success and our RESPONSIBILITY focus. What do these look like? How can we accomplish these goals? How do these goals show Responsibility which is the focus for the next few weeks and April’s assembly.


  • I will follow the school and classroom rules.
  • I will come to school on time.
  • I will fill in my agenda and share it with my parents.
  • I will bring everything I need into the class.

One or two students demonstrating excellence in RESPONSIBILITY from each class will be chosen as award winners. At our next assembly they will be announced and presented with a Certificate. Parents and guardians of students receiving awards will be invited by your child’s teacher to attend the assembly. Parents / guardians of students doing presentations or receiving awards for other accomplishments will also be invited to attend by the classroom teacher.

Chocolate bar

A reminder to those students choosing to sell chocolates for our school fundraiser that all unsold chocolates are to be returned to your child’s teacher. Please also be sure to check that all money collected is counted correctly and returned to the school. If you have any questions about chocolate sales please contact your child’s teacher as this amazing event is now in full swing! Stay tuned for updates. Thanks to Mr. Massie and all of our staff for their help with this great fundraising event!

This weeks events include: Note the After School Scholars Program will only run on Wednesday, April 4th from 3:05-4:35 pm this week. There will be no sessions on Tuesday and Thursday

4/3/2018 – Morning Ms. Panju – New VP visiting classes for the morning

4/4/2018 – 3:05pm After School Scholar’s Program for Gr 3 and Gr 6 students

4/6/2018 –  Ms. Schwenger’s last day at Ridgemount

Have a wonderful week everyone! Lets hope for some warmer weather soon!!

Mr. Carey – Principal

Updated on Monday, April 02, 2018.
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