HWDSB Specialized Learning Program
R.A. Riddell Sport Academy
High Potential and Basketball Academy
The R.A. Riddell Sport Academy is a Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Specialized Learning Program. This innovative learning program was created in 2006 to engage HWDSB student athletes by meeting their unique academic and athletic needs. Student athletes from all over the district are welcome to apply to the R.A. Riddell Sport Academy. The program set forth by the HWDSB supports its vision of “students achieving their full potential”.
The goal of our Sport Academy is to provide on-site athletic training alongside meeting the requirements of the Ontario Curriculum. Through our specialized staff members, enhanced equipment and partnerships with McMaster University and Westmount Secondary School, our program provides additional opportunities for the training and development of student athletes. Flexible programming is also offered to facilitate the students’ individual training and competition schedules.
- Registration for the 2024-2025 school year begins on OCTOBER 30, 2023.
- Registration CLOSES on December 1, 2023.
- Students currently learning in these programs do not need to reapply.
Visit the HWDSB website for more information and for the link to apply:
go to www.hwdsb.on.ca
hover over elementary
hover over learning
hover over list of programs
click Focus Programs
scroll halfway down page to:
Click here to register forElementary Focus Programs.
NEW to Basketball entering Grades 7 or 8 and NEW to High Potential entering Grade 8, PLEASE CLICK THE BELOW LINK:
The Sport Academy Program at R.A. Riddell features two specialized programs within our Middle School.
- High Potential Program – 2 Classrooms – Grade 7 and Grade 8
- Basketball Program – 3 Classrooms – Grade 6, Grade 7 and Grade 8
Parents/Guardians and Students of both the High Potential and Basketball Academy can now follow us on Instagram at:
Join us for our
Sports Academy Parent Information Night
In R.A. Riddell School Large Gymnasium