Election and School Council Membership
We are excited to announce that our first School Council meeting and School Council election will be held on Thursday September 21st at 6:30pm. This is a great opportunity to help guide our school’s direction. At this meeting, School Councils will anonymously vote on council leadership positions.
School Councils must hold annual elections to identify voting members and various positions such as School Council Chair. Elected members vote on School Council matters and represent the group’s ideas and advisory suggestions for the Principal. Please note that you do not have to be an elected member of School Council to attend meetings. All meetings are open to all parents / guardians who wish to attend.
To declare your interest to become an elected member on School Council, please complete the accompanying nomination form. You may also nominate another parent / guardian of a student at our school to become an elected School Council member. All nomination forms must be received by Monday, September 18th, 2023, and can be returned to the ballot box in the school office. Please note that you must attend the first School Council meeting (either in-person or virtually) on Thursday, September 21st in order to be elected to Council. Our first meeting of this school year will be held on Thursday, September 21st at 6:30pm in the staff room. We would also ask that if you do choose to become a member of School Council, that you make a commitment to attend all, if not most meetings. If you would like to attend the meeting virtually, please contact our school office for an MS Teams invitation and link.
Please consider joining us on our School Council as an elected or general member. School Council involvement is a great way to support your child’s education and we look forward to working together.
School Council Nomination Forms