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Queen Mary

Call for grade 7/8 Student Senate representatives

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Call for grade 7/8 Student Senate representatives

Looking for Student Senators – Student Senate is a great leadership opportunity for grade 7 and 8 students to represent Queen Mary and make a difference in their education. Meetings will be held virtually once a month from 5-6 PM with other grade 7/8 students from HWDSB. This is an opportunity to share ideas, issues, and solutions. Grade 7/8 students are invited to apply through email, video, formal letter, or other creative means. Applicants should express their wish to represent the school, explain why they are interested, and how they plan to promote QM. All submissions need to be received by Friday October 22 at 4 PM.

Mrs. McCrory

[email protected]

Updated on Wednesday, October 13, 2021.
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