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Queen Mary

Principal’s Update – March 22, 2021

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Principal’s Update – March 22, 2021

Thank you for subscribing to our website. We appreciate your efforts in keeping “in the know”. Here are some of the important items for this week:

Final Transition Form:

The form in the Parent Portal is now open. If you would like to switch from remote to in-person learning, or vice versa, please fill out this form. If you need help call our office at 905-547-0321. This will be the final switch of the year. Even if you are on our waiting list, please fill out this form.

Grade 8 Graduation:

There have not been updates yet on graduation ceremonies. When we know what the plans are, we will inform families. Last year we were able to celebrate virtually with families and are prepared to do that again if face-to-face celebrations continue to be paused.

Kindergarten Registration:

If your child is starting JK/SK this September, now is the time to register. This will help us build balanced classrooms and get everyone off to a great school start.

If your child has special needs, please call the school and ask to speak to the Principal. We will work together to support your child. Special intake meetings are happening now and we want your child to have a plan in place for a successful start at Queen Mary

School Crossing Guard Day

Wednesday March 24th is Crossing Guard Appreciation Day. Have your child make a card or letter to show they care. Crossing Guards are an important part of the school team and we thank them for keeping our kids safe.

Updated on Monday, March 22, 2021.
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