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Immunization information letter for families of Grade 7 and 8 students

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Immunization information letter for families of Grade 7 and 8 students

Please see the following letter and fact sheet from Hamilton Public Health Services.

Immunization Information Letter

Grade 7 Vaccine Facts – Meningitis, HPV, Hepatitis B

Dear parents and families of Grade 7 and Grade 8 students,

It’s time to catch up! Hamilton Public Health’s Vaccine Program is pleased to let you know that we are holding catch-up vaccine clinics for the following students:

  • Grade 8 students who missed their vaccines in Spring 2020 due to COVID-19 school closures and;
  • Current Grade 7 students who are now due for their vaccines.

These catch-up clinics will be held at various high school and community sites after school hours and on some weekends. The clinics will begin in mid-November. Students will be assigned to a specific clinic location based on their elementary school. The dates and times of each catch-up clinic can be found at: www.hamilton.ca/catchupclinics.

Catch-up vaccine clinics will be walk-in style and students may only attend the clinic at the times outlined for their elementary school. All clinics will have COVID-19 screening, distancing, hand sanitizer, and mask precautions in place. In addition, students will be required to enter the clinic location without their parent/caregiver to ensure the requirement on numbers of people allowed indoors are met.

As a reminder, Grade 7 students receive three vaccinations as part of the school-based vaccine program to prevent against: Hepatitis B, Meningitis ACYW-135, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Each vaccine may require more than one dose. For detailed information on each vaccine please refer to the attached fact sheet.

These vaccinations are free of charge and are given by public health nurses.

Please note that if your student meets any of the following criteria, they should not attend the clinic:

  • Students who are highly anxious (and require parental support)
  • Students who are known to have adverse reactions to vaccinations
  • Students who are unwell
  • Students whose parents do not want them to receive all Grade 7 vaccines that they are overdue/due for.

If your student meets any of the above criteria, we ask that rather than attending the clinic, you call Public Health to discuss other options for vaccination: 905-546-2424 extension 7556.

If you have questions, please contact Hamilton Public Health Services at the phone number above (905.546.2424 ex 7556).

Thank you for your cooperation in helping get our students up-to-date on their vaccines.


Vaccine Program
Hamilton Public Health Services
City of Hamilton

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2020.
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