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Prince of Wales

HWDSB Specialized Secondary Programs

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HWDSB Specialized Secondary Programs

Information Nights for HWDSB Specialized Secondary Programs

Students and families are invited to learn more about specialized programs at HWDSB at upcoming information nights taking place this November and December.

HWDSB provides choice through a variety of courses, programs and pathways for students at their home school. Based on student interest, some schools offer specialized programs in a variety of areas. These programs require specialized facilities, equipment or funding.

We offer interested students transportation to these programs if they live out of the school catchment. Specialized Tier 3 programs are open to students beyond the school catchment based on their geographical location. Each specialized program will have a program boundary beyond the school boundary.

Information night flyers for Audition-Based Program of the Arts, and Self-Paced/Self-Directed Programming are attached. Click on the program names to visit webpages where you can learn more about the specific specialized programs.  We look forward to seeing you!

Updated on Wednesday, November 15, 2023.
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