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HWDSB Building

September Start up Information for Families

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September Start up Information for Families

Happy August Eastdale Families! 

 Welcome to our new families and returning ones. The next few weeks there will be additional information coming about what the return to school looks like.  Closer to the start of the school year we will be sending out more detailed information about what our school routines will be in order to keep everyone healthy, safe and learning! 



Information about HWDSB’s COVID 19 Return to School 



Have questions? Take a look at the FAQs (and a chance to post your question too) 



Are you a parent of a Kindergarten student?   

Information will follow about school visits and the first day of school. We appreciate your patience. 


Are you a new registration to the school? 

Our office staff can assist you in completing the registration after August 31st.  



Next week please indicate whether your child will be returning to learn “at school” or whether you are opting for “remote learning”.   You will have (will be) receiving instructions from HWDSB on how to access the Parent Portal to complete this. 


We appreciate there are many unknowns right now and a lot of information coming from different sources. Please know that our goal is to support our families and staff to have as a smooth transition back to school (as possible) with keeping everyone’s health and safety at the forefront. 



Richelle Bratuz


Updated on Friday, August 14, 2020.
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