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To Eastdale Families Thursday April 9

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To Eastdale Families Thursday April 9

Dear Parents, Guardians and Eastdale students,

We have come to the end of our first week of distance learning. The goal this week was to welcome everyone into the virtual classroom and re-establish the connection between our teachers and students.  It was not the kind of ‘back to school’ reunion we have always enjoyed following a break.  The hallways remained silent and empty.  However, it was great to see our staff and students come together again in the virtual world.   Many staff have been sharing pictures of students doing work at home and it has been lovely to see the smiling faces of our Eastdale children!

Parents, we want to thank you for your ongoing patience, understanding and support during this period.  Like students, our staff are a different places learning this new teaching platform and there have been some hurtles with IIT to get things set and started.  We know this is a challenging time. Many of our parents are balancing working from home, while also caring for loved ones, and now helping your children transition to distance instruction. This is also true of many of our staff who are caring for their own children and loved ones while learning new ways to support student learning.  As with anything new, we know it will take some time before we fully adjust to this new way of teaching and learning, but as we all become more comfortable, it will get easier. We are in this together, and we will all keep doing the best we can to meet the needs of our students.

Parents who have requested technology support from the School Board will be hearing from us on Tuesday of next week with a date and time to pick up devices from the school.

We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy.


Mrs. Bratuz  Principal

Mrs. Del Mastro Vice Principal


Updated on Thursday, April 09, 2020.
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