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HWDSB Building

Entry and Exit Routines

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Entry and Exit Routines

January 13, 2020


Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers of Eastdale students,

What an amazing first week of school in our new building!   There are still things being completed and fixed but slowly it is coming together.

There are a few things we would like to bring to our parents attention during morning drop off and afternoon pick up.

Parking and Parking Lot 

The parking lot is for HWDSB staff only.     Parents who drive their children to school are asked to park on a side street and walk their children to the school.   We will be putting out pylons to remind parents not to use the staff parking lot.  Also, on Lincoln Road across from the front of the school, there is signage that is NO PARKING from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.  That means parents should not be stopping there to drop off their children.  It impedes the flow of traffic when buses need to exit and there are cars parked on Lincoln.  It is also not safe for children to be crossing the street in between cars.  We also need to be good neighbours to the houses across the street from the school.  These people do not want their driveways blocked and they need to be able to move in and out of their driveways.  The City of Hamilton By-Law has been contacted and Eastdale School will be put on their list of schools to monitor.  Tickets will be issued to people that are parked illegally.    There is parking available along Carpenter at the side of the school for parents to use.


During the morning drop off between 9:00 am and 9:15 am there are staff on duty on the back playground.  We are asking that parents drop their child at the gate and not wait on the back playground.  The children know where their lines are because they have to do it twice during the day when we have nutrition breaks.  As a staff, we are responsible for all student safety during this time of day.  Also, our instructional time starts at the 9:15 am bell and if a parent needs to speak with a teacher before school then they need to communicate with the teacher using the agenda, email, or a phone call before school starts.  We appreciate everyone’s co-operation with this!

For dismissal, parents are welcome to enter the back playground at 3:30 pm to wait for their child to be dismissed at the end of the day.  If parents could wait along the back of the playground by the fence.  When students are dismissed they will wait near the school building and if they don’t see the person who is picking them up the students are directed to go to the staff on duty.  We have stressed with the students that no one is to wander off the playground to look for someone.


The bus drop off zone is for buses only and not for parents to use to park their cars.  Please help us to keep traffic flowing and students safe as they come to school.   Do not step out between parked buses with your child when crossing the street.  Use the sidewalks and cross at the corners to avoid any unnecessary accidents.

We appreciate your co-operation with this!


Mrs. R. Bratuz (Principal)                              Mrs. S. Del Mastro (Vice-Principal)


Updated on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.
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