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Opt-Out Process for Online Learning Requirement

online learning requirement graphic with computerIn February 2022, the Ministry of Education implemented an online learning graduation requirement for all students starting secondary school in the 2020-2021 school year (students currently in Grade 11 and younger). This graduation requirement requires all students to earn two full credits through online learning. 

In April, we communicated that details about an opt-out process would be available in the 2022-23 school year. All HWDSB families have the option to opt out of the online learning requirement. 

Families will have the ability to opt out of the online learning requirement by completing a form in Parent Portal. This form will be available for families starting Monday, January 16, 2023. Once families complete the form and submit it with all the required information, they will receive a notification that their submission has been received.

The form is titled ‘eLearning Opt Out for Families’ in Parent Portal.  There is no expiration date or deadline to submit. Families should note that the form can only be submitted once in Parent Portal. If you need change your decision, you will need to contact your home school.

Recognizing the unique circumstances of instruction during the pandemic, the Ministry of Education is granting all students currently in Grade 11 with the equivalent of one full credit in recognition for the period of remote learning. 

Further details regarding the online graduation requirement can be found at the following Ministry of Education website. If you have additional questions, please contact your secondary school. 

More information at eLearning at HWDSB can be found on the board’s website at https://www.hwdsb.on.ca/blog/opt-out-online-learning/.


For information about how to submit your student’s Community Involvement Hours, please refer to this document:

How to Enter Volunteer Hours into Hour Republic



BIG Shout-Out to the Head of our Music Department, Ms. E. Dominey, for her successful application to this Grant! 

Music Grant

The collaboration of the Art Gallery of Hamilton (AGH) and the Youth Arts Collective
has gone live with their 2022-2023 online exhibit of HWDSB’s student works.

The theme MYTH was generated Fall 2022, thanks to student voice.
The theme RELATIONS was generated Winter 2023.

Check out the amazing artworks of your peers by clicking on the link below!

MYTH – Art Gallery of Hamilton


For COVID updates, please refer to HWDSB.

Updated on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
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