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HWDSB Building

Entry and Dismissal Reminders

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Entry and Dismissal Reminders

With our recent winter weather and the return to in-person learning, we would like to remind Dundana families about a few important entry and dismissal procedures.


Supervision is only available on the playgrounds between 8:40 to 8:55 and 3:15 to 3:30.  Please make sure to pick up/drop off your child(ren) within this time frame.  Only students enrolled in our Umbrella program can be supervised outside of these windows of time.

Bus Safety

Our bus drivers have expressed concern about students and family members walking and running in front of and close to the buses at entry and dismissal time.  Please carefully supervise your children at these busy traffic times and try to give those buses – and other vehicles – lots of space to avoid any accidents.  We ask families to please make sure to keep the bus lanes open and available for buses as well.


Recently, many of the snowbanks near the bus loading areas and the parking lots have been quite tall and it is tempting to allow children to climb these.  Please discourage your child from climbing on these, particularly during our busy entry/dismissal times, for their own safety.

Second Parking Lot

Our secondary parking lot (near the Kindergarten pen) will be closed to incoming and outgoing traffic during our busy dismissal time.  Pylons will be stationed at the entrance to this parking lot as a reminder.  The space at the parking lot exit is very crowded at dismissal with walkers, buses and bus students and we want to support their safety.

By law officers may at times be patrolling the area and encouraging safe practices in and around the school during our busiest times of the day.  Please make sure you are supporting the safe travels of all of our students and families.

Thank you!

Updated on Friday, February 19, 2021.
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