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Buchanan Park

Student Safety

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Keeping Your Children Safe: Access to the School

Safety of our students is a shared concern of parents and staff. All visitors, including parents, must report to the office upon arrival to ensure proper school safety. We encourage parents to say their good-byes on the playground and not come into the school.  If you wish to speak with a staff member, please make an appointment through the office. Teaching staff are not available for consultations during the instructional day unless scheduled in advance.

Keeping Your Children Safe: Fire Drills

Fire/Emergency Exit procedures have been established to keep your children safe. Regular fire drills are part of our commitment to keeping your children safe. By HWDSB policy, three fire drills must occur during the fall and three fire drills must occur in the spring. Staff have high expectations during such drills. Our commitment is to prepare our students for emergency situations.

Keeping Your Children Safe:  Secure Schools Terminology

Three terms are used by schools, police, and members of the media during situations that impact the safety of students and staff. “Lockdown” is used when there is a violent incident or threat of serious violence within the school, or in relation to the school. “Hold and secure” is used when the school is secured due to an ongoing situation outside and not related to the school that requires all persons to remain in the building (e.g., a bank robbery near a school). “ “Shelter in place” is used for an environmental, or weather related situation, where it is necessary to keep all occupants within the school to protect them. Students and staff will engage in secure schools drills throughout the year.

Updated on Tuesday, January 08, 2019.
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