Parking Lot and Ice Safety Reminders
Dear Bellmoore families,
We wish to share that the field during winter months is mostly covered in ice. The field has been closed to staff and students throughout the day, and we encourage all families to use paved walking paths when travelling to and from school. The field is not maintained, whereas, the 2 walking paths on either side of the building are maintained, salted, and inspected several times throughout the day. We thank our caretaking team for salting icy areas very early every morning, as appropriate. These areas take time for ice to be dissolved, depending on the temperatures and environmental conditions. Please continue to proceed with caution.
With regards to our parking lot. We would like to remind our families that the disability parking spaces are only to be used by vehicles with a permit. Blocking of these spaces or other spaces is unsafe. We ask for cooperation and consideration from our school community when visiting the school and access the parking lot during arrival/dismissal.
Thank you for your support on these safety items. Keeping our Bellmoore family safe is our top priority.
Updated on Thursday, February 09, 2023.