Please click Balaclava HS Welcome Letter 2022-2023 to view.
Food ordering can be done by clicking food order flyer Sept 2022.
The Balaclava Home and School Association is a member of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations. As a result we have a voice at the local school board level where home and school members sit, as parent representatives, on many school board committees and at the provincial Ministry of Education. OFHSA has representatives on provincial committees such as EQAO and the Ontario Parent Council. We also are required to follow the OFHSA constitution, by-laws and policies. OFHSA has existed since 1916 and the motto is “the best for each student”. Locally our group strives to promote opportunities for active living and learning for all Balaclava students. All of the Home and School’s activities are carried out with the full co-operation of the Principal and staff.
Our goals are:
- To support programs and services not funded by our school board.
- To encourage ongoing communication participation between parents, students and the community.
- To maintain communication and work cooperatively with the School Parent Council.
Roles and Activities
* Meet monthly (from September to June) on dates and times listed on our Calendar. All parents (and children) are welcome to attend. (Please bring snacks and/or activities for children).
* Executive is comprised, if possible, of president (Lyndsay Petican and Samantha Forrest – Co-presidents), one secretary (currently Leslie Paterson but position is up for nominations this fall), and one treasurer (Ellie Millard).
* One member of Home and School Executive also serves on the School Council Executive. (TBD)
* H & S co-ordinates two major fund raising events each year (a fall fundraiser and the Spring Fun Fair). We run additional campaigns as the need and opportunity arise, Halos and Horns, Family Movie Nights and Spirit Days.
* H & S coordinates: Pizza and Subway days, Booster Juice, the milk program and Pita Pit. Also coordinating teacher appreciation week, food/refreshment for special events (i.e. Terry Fox), graduation reception, volunteer lists, author’s day and more.
* Money raised by the H & S subsidizes: the cost of student agendas, field trips ($100 per class), team uniforms, drama/arts performances, instrumental music, playground equipment, intramural sports equipment, classroom instructional aids, audio/visual equipment, library materials, author’s day, science fair, graduation reception and technology and more.
All parents and/or guardians of students at Balaclava are invited to attend the monthly meetings of Home and School, which will alternate between day and evening. If that is not possible you can call/email the executive with your concerns and suggestions at: [email protected]
Also, if you are available during the evening hours we encourage you to attend School Council meetings. At every school council meeting the Principal gives the same report as at our meetings. Home and School membership at Balaclava has always been strong. Holding the title of the third largest Association in the province for a time.
A membership for the Home and School Organization may be purchased for just $20 for either one or two parents. For this low cost, you receive some significant practical benefits, such as:
* a vote at our Association meetings – which gives you an opportunity share in the decision-making for the use of our fundraising dollars.
* $5 million liability insurance coverage for members while they are performing activities sponsored by the Home and School, whether it be at the school, at an activity destination, or en route to or from that destination.
We also encourage you to visit the following websites:
If on Facebook please seek out our Balaclava Public School – Parent Forum. We endeavour to maintain weekly communication with our parent community. We enjoy sharing the efforts and work of our Home and School Council as well as successes and adventures of our Bobcats.
Home and School has created a Google Calendar to help you keep track of all the dates that are relevant to school activities. Below are instructions you can follow to add this calendar to yours. This will allow you to be informed of all the activities at the school and changes as soon as they happen.
First, copy this link (right click on link and choose “Copy Link”)
For Google Calendars:
- Open your google Calendar
- Find “Other Calendars” mid way down on the left hand side
- From the pull down menu, select “add by URL”
- Paste the link in the provided spot
- Click the Add Calendar button
- You’re done!
Instructions for Iphone and Ipad:
Instructions for Outlook
Instructions for Windows Live