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Flamborough Food Bank

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Flamborough Food Bank

Balaclava staff, parents, and students:

As a very integral part of our community, the Flamborough Foodbank would like to update you on the current situation in our area. During 2020, we are happy to report that we have been able to continue our operation, albeit under very safe and controlled conditions. During the COVID crisis, we have seen an unprecedented increase in families in need of our services. We also recognize that many families who may have never had to access a foodbank in the past have had to do so as their incomes have been reduced or even lost altogether.

The Flamborough Foodbank works with families who are in crisis. We support families who have little or no income, those on disability, single parents, isolated seniors and employed people struggling with the rising cost of living.

This September, we were able to provide 140 backpacks and school supplies for students. This represented an increase of 40% over September 2019. At Thanksgiving, 140 families received a food hamper which included a turkey, canned and fresh produce and all the trimmings, in addition to the regular weekly food items. We are hoping to continue our Secret Santa program as well as food hampers for Christmas. 

We understand that it is not possible for you to have your usual food drives which have been so helpful to us in the past. We would greatly appreciate it if you could include our information in your school newsletter. We are now open every Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and accept food donations during that time. We also welcome monetary donations which can be given through our website: www.flamboroughfoodbank.com, and we are also on Facebook. 

In closing, we want to again express our sincere gratitude to your staff and students for your past contributions. Thank you so much for caring!

Bev Bednis
Foodbank Schools Coordinator
Updated on Wednesday, October 21, 2020.
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