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HWDSB Building

Bobcats are Back!

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Bobcats are Back!

Welcome back Bobcats! We are happy to see our school buzzing with life this week as students return each day. It has been a long stretch. As we get into the swing of 2020-2021 there are a few items to highlight in particular.

  1.  iPads and charging cables that were borrowed in the spring need to be returned by Friday September 18th. They will be sanitized and checked to ensure they are in good working order before they can go back into circulation for student use here.
  2. Historically we would send home an envelope with important information the first day of school – this year, the HWDSB is working to minimize the amount of paper that transfers between home and school. All Important information (e.g., emergency closure plans, student verification forms, media consent etc.) will be housed in the Parent Portal. We ask that all families log in and update these as soon as possible. Currently the following are active and can be updated in the Portal: Media/Photo/Internet Consent, School Cash, and Transportation information. You are also able to report absences through the Portal.  If you are having any difficulty with the Portal, please email [email protected]
  3. We are able to continue using Agendas for students this year – Please visit School Cash to pay the $5 cost. We appreciate your payment by September 25th 2020.
  4. To assist with safe movement in and around our school during entry/dismissal times please do not park on the north side of 10th Concession opposite the entrance driveway, or on either side of the driveway entrance (this is to assist our buses with turning).
  5. If you are picking up your Gr. 1-8 child/ren at 3:20 p.m. they will be on the West playground in their class cohort lines. Students will step out of their cohort line areas and come to the fence area to meet parents/caregivers, letting supervising staff know they are being picked up. Students will be out at approximately 3:15 to assist with reducing traffic flow with buses.
  6. Kindergarten students riding the bus wait at the front of the school with supervising staff. Kindergarten children being picked up by parents/caregivers are to be met on the East side of the school at the Kindergarten enclosure area.


We appreciate your patience and understanding as many new protocols are being revised routinely, and as operations get up and running. In addition to the updates provided by the HWDSB we will use our school webpage and school messenger as our primary means of communicating with our community. We thank you for your continued support with our safe return to school.

Updated on Wednesday, September 16, 2020.
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