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HWDSB Building

Term 2 Reports and Class Assignments

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Term 2 Reports and Class Assignments

On Wednesday June 26th students will carry home their report cards/communication of learning for Term 2. Included with these reports will be class assignments for the 2019-2020 school year. On Thursday students will have an opportunity to visit their classrooms for next year for approximately 10 minutes to hear a bit about what they might look forward to in the coming year.


Transitions can be challenging for some and the purpose of sharing this information before summer break is to help reduce anxious feelings. Caregivers can support children experiencing any feelings of worry about the coming year by acknowledging their feelings, helping them to find positive aspects (e.g., opportunities to make new friends), and model for them how you manage anxious feelings. Our children take their cues from the adults who support them.


Please note there will be no changes to class placements. Should any re-balancing of classes be necessary they will occur at the end of September through re-organization.

Updated on Monday, June 24, 2019.
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