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Tiffany Hills

Letter re: Coyote sighting today

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Letter re: Coyote sighting today

Friday December 15, 2017.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

There was a sighting of coyotes just to the west of our property when there were no students outside. As a precaution, students and staff were kept indoors for the second nutrition break today. I contacted Animal Control who reported to me that they would check the perimeter of the school.

Other precaution we will take at this time will be:  to frequently check the playground and surrounding areas prior to nutrition breaks, and to remind students to stay well back of the wooded field area on the west side of our playground.  Our boundaries are the trees along our soccer field and the fences that border our property on the north and south sides.  We will be in contact with the Animal Control for updates regarding the coyote population in our area. As always, teachers will carry whistles with them while on duty outside and will continue to keep a vigilant eye for any signs of wildlife.  Students will be brought inside immediately if any sightings occur.

The Ministry of Natural Resources has a Fact Sheet on their website about coyotes for your information. Visit www.mnr.gov.on.ca and type coyotes into the search bar.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school at 905-304-6223.

Sincerely, J.  Gerritsen, Principal

Updated on Thursday, December 14, 2017.
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