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Director’s Message After Florida Attack

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Director’s Message After Florida Attack

Dear Families,

The news of the deadly attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida is leaving many of us at Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board saddened. We reflect on this tragic loss of life and condemn this deplorable attack on young people.

The attack is disturbing for everyone, but when we gather each day in schools to learn and work, it becomes even more relevant. HWDSB is committed to your child’s safety and well-being. As educators, we take our responsibility for student safety and well-being very seriously.

To honour the victims, our schools and administrative buildings have lowered flags to half-mast. Our hearts go out to the family and friends of those affected.

Canada is a safe place to live and thankfully events like these are rare. We recognize the impact that events can have on each of us. As adults, we should be aware that our reactions can shape how children and youth experience the world, and their perceptions of safety.

Please know that help is available through our schools. School staff can offer regular support to your child. If you are concerned about your child or think they need the support of a social worker, please contact your principal or vice-principal.

Our Social Work Services team, who can help if your child is struggling, has developed the attached tip sheet about supporting children and youth after tragic events. We hope you find it helpful.

Thank you for supporting children and youth as well as each other.


Manny Figueiredo

Tragic Event Tip Sheet 2018

Updated on Thursday, February 15, 2018.
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