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Winding Down from another Great Year!

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Winding Down from another Great Year!

As our final week of school unfolds, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank the staff, students, parents, caregivers and community partners of Westview School for another inspiring year!  It is always exciting to look back on the year and see the growth in our students.

This is a time of year for transitions.  We look forward to welcoming our new students from Westwood, Buchanan Park and James MacDonald to our Westview community on Tuesday, September 3rd.  We will also welcome a few new staff; Ms. C. Jacobs will join our grade 7 and 8 numeracy team, Mr. O’Hoski will join us full time in grade 8 literacy core, and Norma Sorensen, Amy Comtois, and Becky Keefe will join our EA team.

We are also saying good-bye as a few staff members move on to new assignments.  Mr. Johnston will be enjoying a transition to retirement- we wish him many years of adventure on this new path.  Ms. K. Laslo, Ms. D. Smith and Mr. G. Canimcorbigi have done an amazing job filling in at Westview and we wish you the best as you look toward new opportunities.

Thank you all for a fantastic year!  Have a safe and restful summer and we will see you on opening day, September 3rd, on our blacktop where you will be greeted by your new teachers.


Ms. Crapsi, Principal.

Updated on Tuesday, June 25, 2019.
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