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Community Weekly Time Lion May 21-24

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Community Weekly Time Lion May 21-24

May 21-24 Community Weekly Time Lion

Community Updates

City Park Beside Sir Wilfrid Laurier School

The park beside Sir Wilfrid Laurier School near our Kindergarten Pen area belongs to the city of Hamilton.  SWL educators do not supervise this space during entry/dismissal or nutrition breaks as it is not part of our school property.  It is recommended that younger students (approx. primary student age or early junior age) should be with a parent if they choose to access this space before and after school.  There is no educator supervision on city property near the school.

Sub Day

Sub Day is Thursday June 6th 2024, 2nd nutrition break.   Subs are $5.00 and are 6″ long. Proceeds will be going towards our grade 8 Commencement.  Subs can be purchased on School Cash Online from May 6th – May 24th. Cash will be accepted directly in the office from May 21st – 23rd only.  Order forms will be sent home with students on May 3rd. An order form must come back if your child is ordering a sub, whether they are paying online or with cash.

Jump Rope for Heart

Jump Rope for Heart took place on May 15th.   You can donate to Jump Rope for Heart through this school link.  https://jumpropeforheart.crowdchange.ca/46407

Our school goal is to raise $1000.00 this year.

The funds we raise will support research, education and other Heart & Stroke initiatives that empower kids and families across Canada to protect their heart and brain health.

Visit jumpropeforheart.ca for further information.

Thank you for your support!

Scholastic Book Fair

A shout out to our families for your support in purchasing books from our Scholastic Book Fair last week.  The school raised $7000.00 to support literacy materials for the school.  Amazing!


Popcorn sales will be available on Wednesday and Friday at second nutrition break to support our HWDSBe Kind campaign.

$2.00 Popcorn (cash only)

Yes I can Awards

Congratulations to our students at SWL who received a YES I CAN award on Thursday, May 16 for their dedication, perseverance, and hard work demonstrated every day at school.

Let’s ROAR it our for Lorenzo (Grade 7), Madalyn (Grade 7), and Rylee (Grade 3)!

Updated on Friday, May 17, 2024.
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