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HWDSB Building

Kindergarten Orientation Message from Director

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Kindergarten Orientation Message from Director

Please see the following letter to Sir Wilfrid Laurier families from Director of Education Sheryl Robinson Petrazzini.

Kindergarten registration at HWDSB is now open! Families with children ready to start school in September 2023 can visit hwdsb.on.ca/kindergarten/ to learn more.


Dear Families,

Kindergarten is an important milestone for children and their families. We want this exciting transition to school to be an experience filled with joy for your child and your family.

Research shows that attending two years of Kindergarten gives children a solid foundation for future learning as it gives them the opportunity to socialize with other children, while also improving their skills in early reading, writing, and math.

HWDSB classrooms are inclusive learning environments where caring adults help students explore the world, solve problems, and build lasting friendships. Kindergarten students gain a solid foundation for reading and math in a play-based program.

In HWDSB, classroom educators lead early-learning experiences rooted in creativity, inquiry, and exploration. We nurture classrooms that foster a culture of acceptance and well-being so that students can be their authentic selves.

We respect your role as your child’s first and best teacher. As educators, we are here to serve students, families, and communities. We are proud of the service that Kindergarten staff provide. We strongly believe that students come with varying strengths and interests, and a successful partnership with families helps ensure we can best support their diverse needs.

We look forward to collaborating with you to support your child’s education! Visit hwdsb.on.ca/kindergarten/ to learn how to register.


Sheryl Robinson Petrazzini
Director of Education

Updated on Saturday, February 11, 2023.
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