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Graduation Bulletin

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Graduation Bulletin

Please read this important news about Grade 8 Graduation.

Grade 8 VIRTUAL Graduation
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021
Virtual Watch Party
6:30 pm

As you are likely all aware, due to school closures, in-person Grade 8 Graduations for this year have been cancelled. We understand that this is very disappointing as Grade 8 Graduation is an important milestone in the lives of our children.

To that end, we are happy to report that we will be providing a Virtual Graduation for the Class of 2021.  Save the above date and time in your calendar!

This year’s graduation will be pre-recorded and we will be sending out a video link to families. We are suggesting that we all watch the graduation at the same time!  This way, students will be able to interact with each other via phone/text or other communication channels to cheer each other on and applaud their achievements. Families will also all be able to take part and watch and enjoy together.

We suggest making it an event! Get dressed up, have some snacks and then enjoy a favourite meal afterwards! Put on some music and have a dance once it is all over! We have all had to get creative during the pandemic to mark special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries, etc).

The Virtual Graduation Ceremony will align with what we have done in the past. Greetings will be brought forward from Board representatives, Special Awards will be presented, students graduating will be recognized by name, we have selected the Class Valedictorians and the traditional Graduation Slideshow will all be included.

We will also be holding a Walk-Up Celebration.  We will be calling families starting June 10th to book an appointment between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm on June 21 and 22.  The Graduating Student and their family will be able to come to the school at their designated time and pick up their diploma from their Homeroom Teacher, any awards that they may have won, a Graduate lawn/window sign and a have photo opportunity with SWL staff.  We will also be collecting any loaned devices at this time.

We thank you again for your patience and understanding during this very difficult time. I also wanted to thank the SWL Staff for all their efforts to make this graduation as meaningful as possible for our Grade 8s. It is a huge undertaking to re-envision a graduation ceremony and bring it all together!


Greg Moore
Principal of Sir Wilfrid Laurier School
Meridian World School


Updated on Wednesday, June 09, 2021.
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