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HWDSB Building

January Update

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January Update

We hope this update finds you well!  We wish you all a belated Happy New Year!  With students learning from home since January 4th, we have not had the opportunity to welcome every back as we normally would.  We hope that an announcement to in-person learing is made soon (perhaps today!).

Even though we have been working from home, we know that staff and students have continued on their learning in the virtual world.  The school remains open to staff who need to teach from here, and we have had our ExSL Class students attending school.  Ms. Stafford and I have also been in the school deploying devices, assisting with work package drop off and pick up, and doing a few jobs around the school that we don’t normally have time to do!

Please find below a few important updates and reminders:

Kindergarten Registration Opens:  We are now accepting registrations for next year.  For students entering Junior Kindergarten (or perhaps Senior Kindergarten if you chose to keep your child home this year).  We are currently completing registrations virtually and over the phone.  If you are living in our revised catchment area, please call the school so we can prepare for your child’s start.

School Consolidation:  As you are likely aware, a new school is opening in the area, and some students who currently attend SWL will be directed to this new school.  Additionally, Elizabeth Bagshaw School is closing and we will be receiving all of their students.  Next year, our school population is set to almost double in numbers!   It is an exciting time, but understand that change can be difficult for some.  To learn more, you are welcome to attend our transition meetings.

As part of the East Hamilton School Consolidation Plan, a JK-8 school community of approximately
700 pupils will be created including students from Elizabeth Bagshaw and Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The
anticipated date for students and staff attending Sir Wilfrid Laurier according to the new boundaries
is September 2021. Elizabeth Bagshaw is scheduled to be closed by the end of June 2021.
There will be two meetings scheduled for a committee to support the new school community with representation from both Elizabeth Bagshaw and Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The dates and times are shared below.
Transition Committee Meeting 1– February 3, 2021 @ 6:00 p.m.
Transition Committee Meeting 2 – April 28, 2021 @ 6:00 pm.
Families are encouraged to attend these meetings virtually to observe the discussions and learn more about plans for the new community. To register to attend virtually please email [email protected] for access information.

Report Cards:  It is quickly approaching the time for report cards to be coming home. Yes, even though our students have been learning online we continue to assess their learning. Your child’s teacher continues to use
information gathered from observations, conversations, and student products to share specific examples of what your child has done to demonstrate their strengths.  One important change that you will see on your child’s 2021 report card is in the mathematics section. As you know, The Ministry of Education released a new Mathematics Curriculum this year. Your child’s teacher has been utilizing this new document to guide the mathematics lessons taking place in class. One of the changes this new curriculum introduces is a more cohesive approach to assessing mathematics. Previously, students would receive a separate grade on each of the five strands/categories covered in class on their February and June report cards. The new policy introduces a single grade to reflect the overall learning of the student in mathematics.  Instead of seeing marks for the 5 different strands of math, starting this year, only one mark will be given as we will use a more integrated approach to math instruction.

Transition Time:  As you are aware, the HWDSB has provided families the choice of opting for Remote School or in-person learning.  We have already completed on transition period (November) and are approaching our next transition time.  We have had some families choose to return from Remote School and we have had some families choose to move to Remote School.  Once the government announces our return to in-person learning, this transition will take place.  Please continue to check our website and follow HWDSB social media accounts for information as it becomes available.

Return to In Person:  Once we return to in-person learning, it will be important that everyone follows our established, and new, safety protocols.

-all students in Grade 1-8 must wear a mask while at school (including during outdoor time)
-visitors to school are restricted-please call the school with any questions
-all students must complete the Daily Screening Tool prior to coming to school
-if students are sick, they must stay home
-any adults dropping students off at school must wear a mask, maintain physical distance, and stay off the playground

Hoping to see you all soon!

Mr. Moore

Updated on Wednesday, February 03, 2021.
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