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Junior Choir at HWDSB ChoirFest! May 1/2019

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Junior Choir at HWDSB ChoirFest! May 1/2019

Congratulations to the Rousseau Junior Choir for their successful performance at the HWDSB Annual ChoirFest! The choir performed two very different pieces,  the lovely Japanese language “Hisikata”, followed by a jazzy rendition of Irving Berlin’s “Blue Skies”, all in 2- and 3-part harmony. The professional adjudicator was Brenda Uchimaru, former HWDSB  teacher, music director of Kokoro and many other esteemed ensembles. The format for the day saw each choir perform with their director, followed by  Ms Uchimaru providing immediate verbal feedback and working with each choir, “masterclass” style, on stage for all the choirs to learn from. Ms Uchimaru was so impressed with our Junior Choir that she has asked to come to Rousseau soon to work with us!! Thank you to the organizers, HWDSB Arts Consultant Karen Wilkins and Sir William Osler teacher Pam Kortmann. Thank you to Ms Fawcett & Mrs. Bishop for preparing the choir and taking them to ChoirFest today!


Updated on Thursday, May 02, 2019.
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