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Parking lot requests- SAFETY

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Parking lot requests- SAFETY

Dear folks,

As the days get colder, we are seeing more students being dropped off or picked up. Working through this process at this site has been a joint effort, and we are very appreciative of the things you do daily as drivers  to keep our kids safe.

In  ensuring that kids continue to stay safe we have a  few requests.

  1. Please do not ask or allow your child to cut through the parking lot to reach you. If you are parked in the lot and picking up- please get out of your car and collect your child.
  2. Please do not park in the wheelchair accessible spots unless you are authorized to do so. Some of our families require these.
  3.  Please do not idle your car as you wait. Our Kindergaten and Daycare children are in the line of the exhaust- and we need to protect their health.

Thank you so much!

Updated on Thursday, November 25, 2021.
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