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Labels Fundraiser Continues

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Labels Fundraiser Continues

Fundraising- Labels

With the return to school, and now the cooler weather, kids are having to wear more layers to stay warm. With this, our lost and found becomes overrun with articles of clothing like sweaters, hats, mitts, and coats. Regularly we find water bottles, books, containers and more left around the school.

The best way to ensure your child’s items are not lost, miss placed, or sent home with the wrong child (all black snow pants look the same) is to have them labeled with your child’s name.

At Franklin Road we fundraise with both Mables labels and Olivers labels. So, by ensuring your items come home to you, you are also supporting your child’s school. Funds from all  fundraising initiatives go to support school trips, equipment for outside, and fun in-school events like dances, and theme days.

Follow these links to order your labels today.




Franklin Road Staff and School Council thank you!

Updated on Sunday, November 06, 2022.
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