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HWDSB Building

Brief Evacuation at Franklin Road Today

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Brief Evacuation at Franklin Road Today

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This is a letter to inform you that we had a brief evacuation at Franklin Road today.

Staff detected an odd chemical smell and pulled the fire alarm as per protocol. This triggered an evacuation of the building.

Hamilton Fire Department responded quickly and students and staff remained outside for about 30 minutes while crews tested air quality levels in the school. They cleared the air by opening windows and using a ventilation fan.

Crews did not detect any concerning levels in their testing and gave us clearance to re-enter the school at 10:35am.

If you have any questions please feel free to call the school at 905-388-4731.  Thank you for your understanding.



S. Neville                                       K. Dunford
Principal                                        Vice Principal

Updated on Thursday, April 25, 2019.
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