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Central Weekly Update – De 12-16, 2022

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Central Weekly Update – De 12-16, 2022

Central Families,

We have scheduled a Central Winter Concert for Thursday, Dec 22 in the afternoon during the last block (1:30-3:05pm) and families are invited to attend. A list of performances has been shared with all families and any questions or concerns about the the content of the concert can be directed to the office.  A rehearsal concert will take place on that morning for students and staff only. As we begin to plan for our school outdoor  playground renovations we have been asked to give  input from our students, staff  and families.  During the Winter Concert we will have an area set up in the main hall where families, students and staff can share their hopes and wishes for the playground renovations and upgrades. Please be sure to check this table out and share so that we can then review and present to our project manager for further consultation.

The students, staff PH Nurse and parent council at Central are excited about a project involving Hat and Mitten sharing.  Our plan is to collect donated (gently used) hats and mittens for kids and adults and hang them outdoors along the fence at Central (along Park St across from kindergarten area and along Bold street )with a sign saying kindness = sharing, and please help yourself or a friend  as helping others in need is what kindness is all about. Here is where your help would be appreciated if possible. If any of you have any gently used hats or mitts (especially in children’s sizes)that they are no longer needing, and willing to donate it would be greatly appreciated. You may drop your donations off to the school and they will be added to the donation box in Mr. Berrafati’s room (Rm 219).  The Health Action team will explain the fence to the students and parents at the winter assembly on Dec. 22. A special thank you to our PH Nurse , Ms Carlin, Mr. Berrafati, ESL Teacher and the Health Action Team for organizing this very kind project at Central!

Please be mindful of the ice and snow on the school grounds. We do our best to clear all walkways and entrances but there are often flash freezes that occur unexpectedly and areas that freeze over.  Be mindful of snow falling from the school rooftop as although we have had heaters installed there could be large chunks of snow or ice that fall in the area by the entrance that is sectioned off. Please let the office know if there are areas that need to be cleared or sanded. The sidewalks surrounding the school must be cleared by the City Of Hamilton so if there are any concerns about sidewalks please call 905 546 2489  Thank you

Central Upcoming Events

Fri Dec 16 – Pizza Day ($1.00 per slice)

Tues Dec 20 – Engineering Challenge

Thu Dec 22 – Winter Concert for families ( 1:30 pm )

Fri Dec 23 – Last Day of School – Students return on Monday, January 9, 2023

The office has become very busy at the end of the day with last minute requests to pick up students early. This requires a lot of interruptions to classes and is demanding on the 2 of us in the office taking us away from our other responsibilities. We ask that families avoid picking up students early unless it is absolutely  necessary or you have entered properly in the safe school arrival app or phone system and informed teachers so that students can be sent to the office to wait for pick up. 

Please contact the school using SafeArrival   (click for more details) to report student absences or if you need to pick up your child from school early for an appointment

  1. Go to the website go.schoolmessenger.ca or
  2. Call the toll-free, interactive telephone system at 1-844-506-4350.
  3. Download and install the free SchoolMessenger app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store (or from the links at go.schoolmessenger.ca).

Thank you to our office staff for their ongoing support with monitoring student attendance and calling families to ensure the safety of all of our students on a daily basis. This is a big job and takes up a lot of time in the morning and at the end of the day. Our school day begins at 8:45 am and our staff are supervising their students at this time and do need to get in to their classrooms to start teaching. Those arriving late must check in at the entrance and report to the office. A reminder that students are to be picked up at 3:05. We do have supervision on the playground until 3:20pm but please be sure to make arrangements to have your children picked up by this time.

NOTE: SUPERVISION IS NOT PROVIDED ON THE PLAY STRUCTRE BEFORE 8;45AM AND AFTER 3:05 PM. Parents/guardians are responsible for supervision on the play structure before and after the bell. Thank you. 

Fundraising Events At Central – to be continued into the 2023 year.

Mabel’s Labels – personalized labels for kids clothing, school items, holiday gift tags, allergy stickers etc. 20% of all sales are donated back to the school. Order online and products ship directly to your home.
Search Central Elementary School Council from this link: https://mabelslabels.ca/en_CA/fundraising/support/
TruEarth – eco-friendly household products including laundry detergent strips, multi-surface cleaner, compostable dishcloths, beeswax food wraps etc. 20% of all sales are donated back to the school. Order online and products ship directly to your home.
Shop using this link:
Facebook page link:

A reminder as the weather turns colder to ensure students dress appropriately for the weather and I encourage families to label all clothing to make it easier to retrieve if lost or misplaced. Thank you. 

Please support us to ensure student safety by exercising caution in our parking lot which becomes a very busy area during arrival and departure. As we have families that need to park in our Accessible Parking spots to drop off students please be sure to not park in these designated parking spots and do not block other vehicles in. If you are dropping off or picking up students please do not block the driveway (either park in a spot or drop off and then exit as soon as possible. Please drive in from Bay St. and make an immediate right turn and follow a circle around the parking lot as it is one way traffic only. Drop/pick up students, make sure that they get to the playground/to your vehicle safely and then circle around the parking lot to exit on Bay St..  Please avoid backing up as this creates a lot of congestion and can be unsafe as many students enter the school through the Bay St entrance. Dismissal is at 3:05pm so please be sure to be at the school to pick up your child or children on time. The alternate is to park on Park St. as there is a 10min drop off zone.

Please be sure to check your child’s backpack and agenda  for important letters regarding school events, field trips, documents needed etc..  Also look daily for memos sent home and read emails sent to you from the school to keep updated. Register on our school website at www.hwdsb.on.ca/central/ to ensure that you stay up-to-date and aware of upcoming events.

Students in grades 4 or 5 that have permission to walk home must have a letter signed by their parent/guardian indicating that they are able to walk home.

We also invite families to keep up with communications from HWDSB by subscribing to email updates by going to our school website at [email protected] or following HWDSB on social media. Please reach out to our school at 905 522-9690 if you have any questions.

Students and families with classroom concerns are encouraged to contact their student’s classroom teacher. School-wide concerns can be addressed by the principal. Addressing a Concern (PDF).


Mr. G. Carey, Principal – Central Elementary School

Updated on Sunday, December 11, 2022.
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