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Central Weekly Update – Sept 27- Oct 1, 2021

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Central Weekly Update – Sept 27- Oct 1, 2021


Central Families,

Due to the increasing number of identified covid cases at Central we ask that you ensure to do your daily screening very thoroughly and sign your child’s daily tracking. Students that do not pass the screener must remain at home. Click on the attachment to review the Central Daily Covid Tracker –  CENTRAL Daily COVID-19 Screening Verification Log (1)

Students showing any symptoms at school will be removed from their classrooms and sent home. Please contact the school if your child has been impacted by a covid case in their classrooms and you are unsure of their return date or the process that you are to follow. (905 522 – 9690).

Please be sure to contact

A reminder that September is reorganization month and that we will be making some changes to our staff and student placements in classes. Your child will be sent home with a letter if any of these reorganization plans impact them.  Teachers that are changing grades will do so on Monday, October 4th when students will also move to their new classes. 

Thank you for your efforts ensuring that our protocols are being followed at all times. Please review the following protocols with your child : Wearing masks, social distancing, washing/sanitizing , remaining in cohort yards and letting an adult know when you are not feeling well.  Parents/guardian are asked to not enter the school as we are limiting the amount of movement and visitors at this time.

On Thursday, September 30, we wear orange to honour the story of Phyllis Webstad, who in the early
1970s had her orange shirt taken away on her first day at the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) Residential School in British Columbia.The orange shirt is symbolic of how Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their homes, families and communities to attend state and church-led schools that stripped them of their culture, language and identity. This created irreversible harm from which many families still suffer.
We encourage you to wear orange on Thursday, September 30 to honour the children whose lives were lost and the survivors of Residential Schools. Beginning in May, 2021, 215 bodies were uncovered at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, and since then, over 6,100 bodies in unmarked graves have been unearthed.

Be sure to register for our website to receive updated notifications. Go to [email protected] and click on the register tab, input the information requested and receive up-to-date notifications when information is added to our school website.

As a Nut Friendly school we ask that you not send any nut products or products that may contain nuts as snacks for your child. We also have a severe allergy to pumpkins in our school so please no products that contain any pumpkin. Please ensure that your child’s teacher is aware of any medical conditions, allergies etc. as there are forms that we need to have you complete with us for our records.

Be sure to complete all forms on the parent portal for your child or children. These must be completed for all students attending Central Elementary. 

Please be reminded that we are to limit the number of visitors to the school so be sure to call (905 522 9690 or email at [email protected]) if you require assistance or need to contact us for any reason. 

Please work with us to be at school on time. Our day starts at 8:45 am and please avoid engaging in lengthy conversations with our staff as this interrupts our school day and supervision of our students as our staff are supervising beginning at 8:45 am so if engaged in conversations this becomes quite challenging. This is particularly challenging in the Kindergarten area where it is very busy. We ask that you drop off and pick up as quickly and safely as possible to avoid congestion and difficulties for our staff while supervising. Dismissal is at 3:05pm so please be sure to be at the school to pick up your child or children. Feel free to contact the school or your child’s teacher by email to set up a time to meet if you need to do so. 

Ensure students dress appropriately for the weather and attend with enough healthy snacks for both Nutrition Breaks and that they come to school with a water bottle with their name on it. Our fountains are not operating and we are running out of cups to give students! 

Please ensure that you are screening your child each day and signing the daily calendar. If your child needs to be absent or picked up early please refer to the

Please contact the school using SafeArrival   (click for instructions) to report student absences or if you need to pick up your child for an appointment. If you require assistance accessing the SafeArrival app please contact the school at 905 575 1535. We are unable to release students before the dismissal bell unless you have entered the dismissal in Safe Arrival. 

Please follow the bylaw parking signs posted on the streets surrounding the school. Bylaw officers have been monitoring our area and will issue tickets for those violating parking bylaws.

A reminder that our play structure if off limits at this time. If you decide to allow your child to play on the play structure before or after school they must be supervised by an adult. We again, apologize for the overgrown bushes, grass, weeds etc. in the playground. We are working very hard on trying to resolve these issues to keep our playground safe for our students. Thank you for your patience. 

Have a safe and healthy week everyone!

Be sure to contact us with any questions or concerns (905 522 9690 / email : [email protected]).

Mr. Carey

Principal, Central Elementary School


Updated on Sunday, September 26, 2021.
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