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Allan A. Greenleaf

Families Worrying Less Together Group

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Families Worrying Less Together Group

Please see the following information for Families Worrying Less Together (our caregiver group for students in grades K-8)

The Parent/Caregiver Information Session will be held Tuesday, April 18th, 2023, at 12:00 noon or 6:00 pm. It is an hour in length via MSTeams. The group will begin the following week.  These will be virtual groups or in-person groups depending on parent/caregiver demand. The exact day of the week will depend on what works best for most caregivers. One of the groups will run on a Wednesday evening.  It is a six-session group starting at 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.   We also hope to run a group(s) during the day.

To register, parents/caregivers can self-refer by clicking on the link below, and selecting the appropriate link. 

FWLT Info Session Spring 2023


Updated on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.
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