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Adelaide Hoodless

Device Distribution

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Device Distribution

Good Afternoon Adelaide Hoodless Community,

Thank you for your patience as we work through the logistics of determining remote readiness and the distribution of devices for students in grades 1-8.

At 8:00 pm today we will receive a final list of who requires a device.  We spent the day today going through our existing iPad inventory to determine which ones were capable of using Teams and the Hub.  This also required us to charge the iPads and clear any data and related accounts off the iPads.

Tomorrow morning we will receive additional iPads from the Education Centre to ensure we have enough devices for students who require them.  We will then assign an iPad to each student.  This requires us to enter the iPad serial number and other related information into Power School so we have an accurate record of who has which iPad.  Finally, we package the iPads in individual bags and include the appropriate supporting documents and chargers.  We hope to start distributing iPads tomorrow afternoon, however it is more likely we will do the bulk of them on Thursday.

You will receive an email with your pick-up window.  Classroom teachers are aware that not all students will have devices in time for instruction tomorrow.  They will be providing asynchronous learning activities for students in this position.

Students in FDK will not be receiving iPads.  Please connect with your educator team to obtain a weekly learning calendar.

We thank you in advance for your patience as we navigate the transition to remote learning in a very short timeline.


Nanci Simpson

Updated on Tuesday, January 04, 2022.
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