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Adelaide Hoodless

Smoking, Vaping, and Pets

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Smoking, Vaping, and Pets

It has been so wonderful to see so many families walking to school in the morning.  This is a wonderful way to start the day and helps to energize young bodies and brains to get ready to learn.  Traffic congestion on Springer is still quite challenging.  Please consider leaving your car and walking to school. If your child is old enough, please consider allowing them to walk with friends. If you must drive, please do  not idle your vehicle as the emissions created impact air quality.

Many of you like to stand outside the fence and wait for your child to enter the school. Thank you as this does lesson congestion on the playground, making it less difficult for us to supervise. If you do wait outside the gate, please be advised of the following legislation pertaining to smoking and vaping.

Smoke-Free Ontario Act
The Smoke-Free Ontario Act makes it illegal for anyone (staff, students, visitors) to smoke or
hold lit tobacco or cannabis products or to vape any substance in school buildings, on school
property or in public areas within 20 metres of school property at any time (including in
vehicles on school property).
It also makes it illegal to supply or sell tobacco products such as cigarettes and vapour
products such as electronic cigarettes to anyone under the age of 19 on or off school property.
Fines for smoking or vaping on school property start at $305. If you have questions, you can
call the Tobacco Enforcement Officers at (905) 540-5566.

School property begins at the fence line. Smoking or vaping on the sidewalk or even across the street is in violation of this act. Twenty metres is actually quite a distance. You would be advised to refrain to smoking/vaping anywhere on Springer Avenue or in the front of the school building. I have had numerous parents report their children requiring treatment after walking past people smoking or vaping.

Dogs are important members of many families.  However, some individuals have a fear of dogs or are allergic.  If you walk your dog to school with your child, we ask you to wait away from the gate where students are entering and exiting the playground. We need to ensure all students feel safe when entering the school. Encountering a dog, especially a barking dog,can make a child or adult feel very anxious.

Thank you for your support and cooperation in ensuring our students are safe and remain healthy.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Nanci Simpson

Updated on Tuesday, September 10, 2019.
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