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Welcome Back!

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Welcome Back!

It is my pleasure to welcome back the staff and students of Westview School.  We look forward to welcoming returning staff and students as well as new members of our school community. The school office is open for new registrations the week of August 28th.  On Wednesday August 30th, office staff will be unavailable, but registration forms may be picked up and dropped off on Thursday or Friday.

The first day of school is September 5th.  Staff will greet students on the playground where students may check in at our check in table to find out what class they are in.  They will then join their home room teacher who will identify themselves with a sign and lead students to the appropriate entry doors and classroom.

I look forward to greeting our students next Tuesday and assure you from experience that any first day jitters will quickly pass by noon!  Look to our website and twitter for more opening day news as the day unfolds!  Enjoy the upcoming long weekend, we will see you next week.


Ms. Crapsi

Updated on Monday, August 28, 2017.
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