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Irregular Odour – December 8

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Irregular Odour – December 8

Dear Families,

This message is to inform you that on Friday, December 8th, prior to student arrival time, we had reports of an irregular odour within our school. To ensure safety of staff and students the fire alarm was pulled and the building was evacuated.

The Fire Department responded and determined that the building was safe and cleared for entry to students.

Student safety is of the utmost importance to us at Lisgar Elementary School and therefore, we are taking all necessary precautions. HWDSB Facilities are following up.

If you have any questions, please contact the school at 905.389.1309 or at [email protected].

Simon Goodacre, Ed.D
Superintendent of Student Achievement
Family of Schools 3
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board
20 Education Court, P.O. Box 2558
Hamilton ON L8N 3L1

curiosity. creativity. possibility. HWDSB

Updated on Friday, December 08, 2023.
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