Gateway Safe and Accepting Schools Program
Designed to allow suspended or expelled students continue their education while engaging in restorative practices. Secondary Gateway has two sites located at Rebecca Street and Hill Park.
Gateway is Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board’s Safe & Caring Schools program for students who are on suspension for 6 to 20 days or who have been expelled from all HWDSB schools. Students are able to continue their education through homework completion and independent study. With the help of the teaching and support staff, students are also given an opportunity to develop long-term positive attitudes and behaviours so that they can achieve success when they return to a school or program in our Board.
Students attend class for three to five hour sessions, five days a week.
Teaching and discussion blocks are held in a small group format along with individual support when required.
Admission to Gateway Program
Students will be offered the Gateway Program under the following conditions:
- Suspension of 6 to 10 days – academic support
- Suspension of 11 to 20 days – academic and non-academic support (social, emotional and behavioural)
- Suspension of 20 days pending an expulsion hearing – academic and non-academic (social, emotional and behavioural support)
- If a student is recommended for expulsion from all HWDSB schools, he or she may continue in the program until all criteria for readmission to schools are met
To enter the program, parents and/or students should contact their school Principal to request a referral to the program. They may also contact the program directly.
The forwarding school will initiate a Student Action Plan outlining academic and non-academic needs of the student.
Academic Support
Gateway classrooms are staffed with a qualified teacher and an educational assistant to support the instructional needs of the students. Support is given for the following:
- Homework completion
- English and Math strands aligned with the Ontario Elementary Curriculum Guidelines
- Secondary School Independent Learning Modules aligned with Ontario Curriculum
- Some opportunities for experiential learning are also available
Non-Academic Support
We have a full-time HWDSB social worker to support students and families, helping them also link to appropriate community agencies when required.
We also have community partnerships to support the following:
- Social, emotional, and behavioural programming
- Anger management
- Goal setting
- Bullying prevention and intervention
- Substance abuse education
Re-entry into HWDSB Schools
Suspension students
Students will return to their home school after serving the length of their suspension in the Gateway Program. Program staff will submit a report outlining work completed and recommendations to continue to support the student.
Expulsion Students
Exiting the program will depend on the student successfully completing the required expectations as established by the Student Action Plan. These expectations will focus on both academic and non-academic criteria necessary for successful re-entry. The process for re-entry will be similar to a suspension return, including a meeting with the receiving school.
Updated on Friday, March 26, 2021.