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Tiffany Hills

Lockdown Drill November 24 AM

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Lockdown Drill November 24 AM

Dear Families,

We are writing to inform you that Tiffany Hills School will be holding a secure schools protocol drill, so that staff and students are prepared in case of an emergency.

Staff have reviewed and discussed the lockdown protocol with students last week. We appreciate the cooperation of students and staff during the drill.

“Lockdown” A lockdown is defined by police as the restriction of movement during the time of a potentially serious violent threat or violent incident that would endanger the lives of students and staff. It is used only when there is a major incident or threat of serious violence within the school, or in relation to the school. The threat is inside the school, or is on school property, and poses an immediate threat to the students and staff. All movement within the school and into and out of the school is restricted. Police will notify the school when Lockdown is ended.

It is also important that we all remain aware of secure schools terminology used in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools. You can learn more about HWDSB’s approach to secure schools at https://hwdsb.info/secureschools

If you have any questions, please contact the school at 905 304 6223.


Jenny Seto-Vanderlip


Updated on Tuesday, November 08, 2022.
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