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December Updates

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December Updates


Dear Spring Valley Families,

This time of year brings lots of excitement and energy to the school. As we head towards the December Winter Break a few important updates and reminders:

Cold Weather and Winter Dress:  Time spent outdoors is an integral part of the school day. There are great benefits when children experience fresh air, exercise and time spent outside. Outdoor play is also a break from the structure of the classroom.

During winter, students are reminded to come to school prepared for the cold. Students should wear boots, mittens/gloves and hats and it’s a good idea to pack extra mittens, socks, etc., in case they are needed. Students should also have an extra pair of indoor shoes to change into at school. Boots must be removed once students enter. Boots carry in snow and ice and cause floors to become wet and slippery when left on. Please help us avoid unnecessary injury by ensuring that your child brings an extra pair of shoes to school. We appreciate your support in reinforcing appropriate dress with your children.

There are so many fun and safe activities to do outside in the snow (e.g. snowman making, angels), For the safety of all, a reminder that the snow must stay on the ground and is not to be thrown or kicked at others. 

Principals can always use their judgment to decide whether to send students outside during Nutrition Breaks. However, HWDSB asks Principals to follow the City of Hamilton recommendation that individuals stay inside when the temperature is at or below minus 15 degrees Celsius.

Lost & Found: Our Lost & Found still has many items left behind, and is ready for a clean out! Items have been laid out on a table in the front foyer for student viewing. Any items left over at the end of the month will be donated to charity. Please have your child check the Lost & Found for any missing articles.

 5 Days of Good Cheer: Starting on Monday, December 16th, and continuing until Friday, December 20th, our school will be having 5 Days of Good Cheer! This is a series of theme days to build school community and general positivity, hosted by our students and staff! All staff and students are welcome to participate – our days are as follows:

Monday, December 16 – Favourite Shirt/Sweater Day

Tuesday, December 17 – Unique Hair Day

Wednesday, December 18 – Favourite Clothing Colour Day- wear your favourite colours.

Thursday, December 19 – Fun Accessories Day (Bring out your favourite accessories. Hats, gloves, scarves, belts, sunglasses, suspenders, costume jewelry, lights, socks, hair ties etc.).

Friday, December 20 – Comfy Clothes Day

School Council: Our next School Council meeting is taking place on Thursday, January 16th from 7:00 pm- 8 pm in the Spring Valley School Library – all families are welcome to attend. We hope to see you there! An agenda and link to join (if you can’t make it) will be shared a few days before the meeting.

Winter Break begins Dec. 21 to Jan. 5, 2025. Classes return on January 6, 2025.

On behalf of the staff of Spring Valley School, have a happy winter break and all the best for the upcoming New Year!

J. Vanderlip, Temporary Principal, Spring Valley School

Updated on Friday, December 06, 2024.
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