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HWDSB Building
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Bell Times

8:55 AM - 3:15 PM


Tara Gasparik - 905-387-5655 | Email


Simon Goodacre - 905.527.5092 x 2304 | E-mail Simon Goodacre


Kathy Archer - 289.339.0587 | E-mail Kathy Archer

School Council Chairs

Co-Chairs: Heather Holley and Bonnie Norris

Administrative Office Staff

Ms. T. Roketta (LTO)

Our School

Richard Beasley, named after one of the initial settlers in the Hamilton area, is located just south-west of the intersection of Upper Ottawa and Mohawk Road on Hamilton’s east mountain and is part of the Berrisfield Community. Opened in 1968, Richard Beasley School has two (full day) FDK classrooms, two self-contained classrooms, 2 open-concept ‘pods’ (each of which houses 4 classrooms), a gymnasium/auditorium and library.  Since September 2004, Richard Beasley has been on a ‘Balanced School Day’ schedule with two 40 minute Nutrition Breaks (one mid morning and one mid afternoon). Each school day currently has three ‘Instructional Blocks’ of 120 minutes, 100 minutes, and 80 minutes respectfully.  Richard Beasley has a highly supportive and stable School Community and active School Council.

Programs & Services

Student Success Supports

  • Literacy and Numeracy programming at Richard Beasley is supported by a System Instructional Coach who works together with staff to support student achievement by implementing comprehensive approaches to instruction, assessment and program.
  • Tracking of student progress through consistent assessment is another means of supporting student achievement and is also used to inform instruction.
  • Differentiated Instruction and Assistive Technology are in place to ensure that all students receive appropriate support to meet their individual needs.
  • Intervention Programming – Early Success, Soar to Success, LLI, Empower.
  • Reading and Mathematics ‘clubs’ take place variously through out each year for many students.
  • At Nutrition Breaks – milk is available daily, and Wednesdays are ‘Pizza days’.
  • Nutrition Program – in partnership with the Hamilton ‘TasteBuds’ foundation, all students have access to healthy, nutritious snacks at the start of each school day.

Program Highlights

  • Staff regularly participate in Professional Learning Community networks to share and learn ‘best instructional practices’ that align with Continuous School Improvement planning and supporting student achievement.
  • Staff are uniquely aware of the critical importance of having High Expectations for all students and for using assessment to drive classroom instruction.
  • Students often participate in cross grade initiatives such as ‘Reading Buddies’ to work collaboratively with peers.
  • The Home – School connection is an integral part of student success … we do our best to maintain open and consistent communication and employ the use of home reading programs as well as class and school newsletters for the purpose of information sharing.
  • We hold monthly ‘Richard Beasley Recognizes’ assemblies at the school to both celebrate and recognize students for their efforts in various areas.

Clubs and Intramurals

  • Recycling Club
  • ‘Stream of Dreams’ (water / ecology)
  • Grade 3 Reading and Math clubs
  • Checkers
  • Floor Hockey
  • French Club
  • ‘Skittles’ league
  • Swimming – Gr. 3
  • And more!

Before/After School Program or Activities

  • YMCA Before and After School Program
  • YMCA Kinder Care Day Care Program

Our School Plan

Curriculum Focus


  • Continuing with Literacy Improvement Project Initiatives as follows:
  • Balanced Literacy Programming supported by professional development focusing on modelled, shared, guided and independent reading and writing.
  • Oral Communication and Media Literacy focus as part of shared reading and writing lessons/activities.
  • Home Reading programs in each division (kindergarten, primary and junior).
  • Book Room – with levelled books to support classroom instruction and independent reading.
  • Purchase/use of assistive devices and technology to support student achievement.
  • Early intervention programs such as Early Success, Soar to Success, LLI and Empower Reading to assist with and support reading/writing skills development.
  • Write Traits program used school-wide.


  • A Balanced Numeracy Program
  • Instruction focus on “Problem Solving” approach using the modelled, shared guided and independent lessons/activities.
  • Use of Differentiated Instruction and 3-part lesson planning in mathematics.
  • Use of manipulatives to assist with understanding, consolidation and completion of assignments.

Environment Focus

  • The Safe School Plan’s procedures and routines are continually reviewed, implemented, maintained and updated to ensure safety for all students and staff.
  • Outcomes from our Learning Community Day activities on creating A Safe and Orderly Environment:
      • Continue with our Learning Skills Initiative to teach/assess student behaviours.
      • Use the Hamilton Police Services programs conducted by the Community Service Officers to teach our students about being safe at school and in the community.
  • Our School Council was successful in having a School Crossing Guard assigned to our school. This service started at the beginning of March, 2006 at the intersection of Currie St. and Beaconsfield Drive.
  • Our School Council has been successful in working with the City Transportation Department to reduce illegal parking and stopping in front of the school to increase visibility of students.
  • Most recent HWDSB Policy – Anaphylaxis Policy (Sabrina’s Law).

Parent & Community Involvement


  • Co-op Nora Frances Henderson Secondary students in Co-op program in our kindergarten classes
  • Mohawk College E.A. students in our kindergarten classrooms.
  • Berrisfield Baseball League rents use of school washroom May – October yearly.


Parent Involvement is welcomed and encouraged at Richard Beasley

  • Our School Council has 9 parent members
  • Parent Volunteers are regularly involved in assisting our school staff in the classrooms, in our Library, on class trips and with special days and activities.
  • Parent Volunteers co-ordinate and run weekly pizza days and monthly hot dog or sub days.
  • Parent Volunteers (gr. 4 and 5 students) assist teachers on our yearly school trip to Camp Wanakita in Haliburton.
  • Parent/Community support for our 3 “helping others” initiatives – Terry Fox Foundation Walk-a-thon, Jump Rope for Heart and Neighbour to Neighbour – is long-standing and highly positive. Jump Rope for Heart is an 18 year initiative
Updated on Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
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