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SK Math tips and links

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Helpful with Math Kindergarden to grade 1

  1. Have your child count items in the world around them. Do this by asking questions like, “How many wheels are on the car?” or “Do you think I have more cookies in my hand or in the jar?”
  2. Play games with your child. In addition to card games, there are many affordable family games available for purchase. A few recommendations are: Connect Four (patterning), Monopoly, Junior (Number Sense). The Hungry Caterpillar (Number Sense). I Spy (Matching), and Don’t Break the Ice (logical thinking);
  3. Read books that have a math theme imbedded in them. Your local public library will have a section for you to borrow from.
  4. Use play-doh to make numbers, and make various representations, of numbers, (eg. make 10 balls, squish 3 of them, and ask “How many are not squished?”).
  5. Talk about different ways to make a specific number. For example, try to find all of the different ways to make 10 (5 and 5,6 and 4,4, and 6). See how many of each you can find.
  6. Pick a mystery shape and give clues to your child as to what that shape may be. Have them try to guess the shape.

Some Great Math Links

http://www.learningplanet.com/act/123order.asp The volume must be on in order to play this game. A little train stops behind 3 numbers, and the child must select the missing number from the number line. The sound tells you what two numbers come before the “missing” number.

https://www.funbrain.com/guess/index.html Understanding the concept of higher and lower numbers is easily reinforced i this guessing game. The player is given 5 guesses to try and guess a number from 1—–10. After each guess, they find out if their number is too high or too low. They are then able to make their next guess.

https://www.learningbox.com/base10/CatchTen.html This game is fun! It involves knowing different ways to make 10. As the pieces are falling down, you click on them to gibe them to the bear. Once the bear has 10 blocks, he is able to then throw them off to the side. The object of the game is to make as many “10”‘s as you can.

https://www.pbs.org/parents/earlymath/ This site is put together by PBS and the main focus is on students in Kindergarten to Grade 2. It also gives ideas as to what some milestones for their child will be in various strands.

Updated on Wednesday, July 09, 2014.
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