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Collegiate Boundary Review – Tuesday, November 19 Public Meeting

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Collegiate Boundary Review – Tuesday, November 19 Public Meeting

Dear HWDSB Parents, Guardians and Caregivers,

Re: Boundary Review Process for East Hamilton/Lower Stoney Creek

At the June 10, 2024, Board meeting, Trustees approved a boundary review process to balance enrollment pressures and better utilize available existing space.

The approval to initiate this work exists as part of the Long Term Facilities Plan Accommodation Strategy Schedule. HWDSB schools included in this process are:

  • Lake Avenue Elementary School
  • Eastdale Elementary School
  • Collegiate Elementary School
  • South Meadow Elementary School
  • Winona Elementary School

The objective of the boundary review is to better balance enrolment levels between the 5 schools, reduce reliance on portables and provide equitable access to programming and classroom experiences.

Because of this process, you are invited to a Boundary Review Meeting.  Here is the information that you need to know:

Location: Orchard Park Secondary School – Cafeteria

Date:  November 19, 2024

Time:  6:00 p.m.

Please note: Childminding and translation services will be provided.

During this meeting, HWDSB staff will provide an overview of the proposed boundary change, answer questions and gather feedback from community members.

Can’t attend? You can also provide your feedback online via EngageHWDSB https://hwdsb.info/boundaryreview

For your awareness, an Advisory Panel, including representatives from School Council met on October 30 and November 5. The Advisory Panel’s purpose is to review the proposed boundary change and provide feedback to HWDSB staff prior to the public Boundary Review Meeting on Tuesday, November 19.

If you require translation services and/or childminding services so you can participate in the public meeting, please reach out to your school’s principal.

If you have any questions about this information, please reach out through HWDSB’s Engage website.  Click here for more information:  https://hwdsb.info/boundaryreview.



Paul Denome

Superintendent of Equity and Student Achievement, K-12 – Family of Schools 1


Updated on Tuesday, November 05, 2024.
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