Reducing Distractions in Classrooms and Schools
2024-25 Code of Conduct Updates
In April 2024, the Ministry of Education announced its plan to reduce distractions in classrooms and improve the health of children. This strategy involves the implementation of provincewide measures and mandatory learning to address cell phones and vaping in schools.
Beginning this September, HWDSB is taking steps to ensure students are well supported in the classroom, focused on learning and well-being. Updates to the HWDSB Code of Conduct reflect changes to the Ministry of Education’s Provincial Code of Conduct.
Minimizing distractions helps foster positive school climates in all HWDSB schools that support the achievement and human rights of every student. The actions that we take together as students, staff, families and community members are about co-creating classroom conditions centred on learning outcomes, safety and wellness.
What is a Code of Conduct?
The HWDSB Code of Conduct establishes standards of behaviour that are consistent with the Ministry of Education’s Provincial Code of Conduct and applies to all members of the school community.
- Click here to access the HWDSB Code of Conduct.
- Click here to access the Provincial Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct promotes respect within the learning and teaching environment. It sets clear Board and school standards of behaviour for principals, staff members, students, parents, school councils and volunteers. Please see below for some key updates for the 2024-25 school year.
Mobile Devices
Students must not use their personal electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, laptops and tablets) during the instructional day. Please see below for more information about different expectations for different grade levels:
- Students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 must have their devices stored out of view and powered off (or on silent mode) throughout the full instructional day (school day), including nutrition breaks unless permitted by the educator.
- Students in Grade 9 to 12 must have their devices stored out of view and powered off (or on silent mode) during instructional time (class time) unless permitted by the educator as outlined below:
- For educational purposes, if explicitly permitted by the educator.
- For health and medical purposes, as outlined in a medical plan of care.
- To support special education needs, as documented in the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Students are responsible for their personal mobile devices and how they use them. If an educator sees a personal mobile device not stored out of view and powered off, the student must hand it in for the instructional day (elementary) or instructional period (secondary). It will be placed by the student in a storage area in a location designated by the educator.
Social Media
By mid-September, student access to social media platforms on school networks and school devices will begin to be restricted. More information about social media restrictions will be shared in the coming weeks.
Research is evident of the harmful and addictive effects of vaping. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 always applies for all students (including summer school and Continuing Education students), staff, contractors and the public. It prohibits:
- The smoking of tobacco and cannabis as well as vaping any substance in public schools and on public school property (grounds) or in private schools or on private school property, that is specifically annexed/used by the private school (e.g., a playground).
- The smoking and vaping within 20 metres from the perimeter of school property.
Students cannot possess or use tobacco, nicotine, cannabis or vapour at school. If these products are found in the possession of students, their families will be notified and students must surrender the item(s) to staff.
Next Steps
At HWDSB, efforts to minimize classroom distractions support our Board Improvement Plan. Improvements in literacy, numeracy, preparedness, well-being and engagement are the foundation of this plan. To improve experiences for every student, change must take place. While improvement does not begin or end with distractions in classrooms, it is a worthy starting point.
As these new expectations take shape in classrooms and schools, we look forward to continued collaboration with HWDSB students, staff, families and communities. Any improvements to learning outcomes, safety and wellness are impossible without your support and enthusiasm.
All members of the HWDSB community are invited to provide feedback on two DRAFT documents related to these expectations. Click the links to visit Engage HWDSB where you can share your thoughts on HWDSB’s Code of Conduct Policy and Responsible Use of Electronic Devices Procedure. The deadline for the consultation period is September 20, 2024. Final versions of these documents will be posted to the HWDSB website and shared with the HWDSB community.
Thank you for dedication to your children and public education as we prepare to usher in changes that limit distractions in classrooms.
If you have questions about changes to the HWDSB Code of Conduct, please contact your school Principal or explore the information below.
Additional Information and Resources:
- HWDSB Code of Conduct
- Ontario Provincial Code of Conduct
- Tips for Healthy Cell Phone Use
- Tips for Healthy Social Media Use
- Tips for Smoking and Vaping Prevention
Updated on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.