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HWDSB Faith Community Advisory Committee Seeking New Members

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HWDSB Faith Community Advisory Committee Seeking New Members

seeking members to join fcac graphicHamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) is committed to the principles of equity through inclusive programs, curriculum, services and operations. In addition, HWDSB believes in ensuring high levels of student, parent, community and staff participation, involvement and engagement contributing to student achievement and well-being.

In support of our commitments, the Board of Trustees has established the Faith Community Advisory Committee.

HWDSB is currently seeking volunteer members for the Faith Community Advisory Committee (FCAC). The Committee will meet at least once a year with a schedule determined by the Committee. The Committee will be responsible for providing the Board of Trustees with advice on specific areas of Board policy or program consistent with the Education Act and the policies of the Board, and on services that affect the educational success and well-being of HWDSB students.

Individuals must be parents/guardians/caregivers or community leaders who have a strong affiliation to one or more HWDSB schools and a strong affiliation to the identified faith and/or spirituality area. Membership will be sought across the geography of HWDSB schools. Criteria for committee membership can be found below.

At this time, the HWDSB Faith Community Advisory Committee is seeking the following for membership:

  • One parent/guardian/or community leader from each of the following faiths: Christian, Jewish and Muslim
  • Two student representatives of any religion/faith/creed

The deadline to apply is 4 p.m. on November 8, 2024.

Faith Community Advisory Committee Criteria

Mandate: The mandate for Community Advisory Committees is to provide the Board of Trustees with advice from the community on specific areas of Board policy or program consistent with the Education Act and the policies of the Board, and on services that affect the educational success and well-being of HWDSB students. (Trustee Handbook, pg. 53)

Composition: Voting membership of the Faith Community Advisory Committee (FCAC) will consist of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 13 individuals reflecting the diversity of the student population in HWDSB schools and each with a strong affiliation to one or more schools. Representation is sought across all Families of Schools to support balanced representation.

1. One parent/guardian/caregiver/community leader with a strong affiliation to HWDSB schools and a strong affiliation to one of the following faiths and/or spiritual traditions:

    • Bahá’í
    • Hindu/Jain
    • Buddhist
    • Jewish
    • Christian
    • Muslim
    • Indigenous Philosophy
    • Sikh

2. One Community Member at Large

3. Three secondary students

Terms of Office: The term of office for a member of a community advisory committee shall be one or two years commencing on September 1 and ending on June 30.

When a community advisory committee is established, the members shall be divided into members willing to serve for a one-year term and those willing to serve for a two-year term in order to initiate staggered terms.

Under normal circumstances a member who has served for more than two consecutive terms or partial terms shall be replaced by a new member; however, the Board may approve that an individual member be appointed for more than two consecutive terms or partial terms.

If a member is appointed mid-term, the committee shall recommend whether the term should end on June 30 of the current year or the following year.

A community advisory committee shall appoint a chair or co-chairs from among its voting members at the first meeting each year.

Meetings: A community advisory committee shall meet at least once per year, with quorum (50% +1 of voting members) and provide a committee report to the Board of Trustees.

A community advisory committee shall not meet during July or August unless requested to do so by the Chair of the Board.

A community advisory committee meeting shall be open to the public for observation and notice of the meeting shall be posted on the Board’s website.

Updated on Thursday, October 31, 2024.
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